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When it comes to advertising, a consistant presence is everything in this saturated market.


For any small business wanting to maintain this presence, it can mean spending a lot of time and money just to stay competitive, especially when you’re competing on the playing fields of larger corporations with deep pockets. For smaller businesses, funding a far reaching digital or print marketing campaign, just isn’t an option.


This is where car wrapping comes in to play.

Car wraps have quickly become the most popular and effective way for smaller business to

create that presence in their market, not only does your wrap leave an influential, lasting impression on potential clients - it has an unmatched level of visibility and leaves a memorable impression that no other style of marketing can match. 


It was found in a study conducted by the O.A.A.A (Outdoor Advertising Agency of America) that 90% of potential customers are reached by media targeting vehicles - thats 30,000-70,000 impressions every single day for a single vehicle!


Wraps not only offer a visibility unmatched by any other medium, they’re incredibly price effective too

in comparison to the majority of print and digital media forms - reaching more consumers at a lower cost per thousand impressions. 


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Why Choose a wrap?

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Unlike billboards and advertisements that have consistent reoccurring costs for as long as you advertise, you can change your vehicle wrap as little or as often as you like for less money. You can make an initial investment for a fraction of the cost of other long term advertising campaigns and generate results for years.

Brightly colored, attractive vehicle wraps make your company vehicles stand out from all the other cars on the road. Passing drivers won’t pay much attention to a plain white van on the road, but they will notice a well-designed vehicle wrap. Colorful vehicle wraps are so engaging that peoples’ eyes naturally gravitate towards them.

Unlike radio ads or print ads that interrupt a person’s reading, vehicle wraps attract attention without disturbance. Potential customers can easily spot your message without significant distraction from what they’re doing. Customers respond better to advertising that doesn’t take an “in-your-face” approach. Many people enjoy striking vehicle wraps and don’t mind the advertising.


Vinyl vehicle wraps help protect your vehicle’s body from scratches and small dents from road debris. Specialists can also easily remove vinyl vehicle wraps without damaging the vehicle’s paint. Vinyl vehicle wraps help keep your vehicles in better condition for when you need to trade them in or sell them.


Wrap FAQ

Download the FAQ on car wraps here.

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